Welcome to the Susquehanna University Crew Team Blog

What started out as a workout log has quickly turned into a blog dedicated to preserving the history and accomplishments of the Susquehanna University Crew Team. It also exists to provide information and resources for team members to become fitter and smarter athletes, and to gain the motivation and determination necessary to becoming better competitors and teammates.

Welcome and feel free to comment on all things rowing!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2009

"Shoulder-to-shoulder, swing to the work, we must - just two as we are - if we hope to make some headway. The worst cowards, banded together, have their power, but you and I have got the skill to fight their best." -- Homer from Iliad

Winning races starts in the off season!


  1. i did the warm-up. twice. haha

  2. I did the lifting routine and then an hour of Yoga. At least that is what I will be doing once I go to the gym in an hour.

  3. I lifted and did 30 minutes of intervals


  4. workout routine-30 minute run

    - Jaime P.

  5. hey all, I did nick's lifting program supersetted with 20 push ups and 5 pull ups between every set for the three rounds. I also swam for an hour and a half with high intensity sets and underwater swims.


  6. heyy everyone!

    Yesterday I did 45 min on the bike then 30 jumpies, 20 pushups, 30 crutches repeated three times.

    Ali Paton
