Welcome to the Susquehanna University Crew Team Blog

What started out as a workout log has quickly turned into a blog dedicated to preserving the history and accomplishments of the Susquehanna University Crew Team. It also exists to provide information and resources for team members to become fitter and smarter athletes, and to gain the motivation and determination necessary to becoming better competitors and teammates.

Welcome and feel free to comment on all things rowing!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2009

Erg Score Calculator
Erg Weight Adjustment Calculator - what does this mean?

1 comment:

  1. hahah YAY! :) thanks for putting this up Rachael!!

    Your weight factor is 0.819

    Adjusted Score:
    Your adjusted time is: 01:53.9

    Adjusted Score
    Your adjusted distance in meters is: 2,441.2

    I can't believe I have to row 400 meters more than everyone else!! that's not fair!
