Welcome to the Susquehanna University Crew Team Blog

What started out as a workout log has quickly turned into a blog dedicated to preserving the history and accomplishments of the Susquehanna University Crew Team. It also exists to provide information and resources for team members to become fitter and smarter athletes, and to gain the motivation and determination necessary to becoming better competitors and teammates.

Welcome and feel free to comment on all things rowing!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2009

Don't forget to add your name when you post your workout each time!

A few online resources:
CrossFit - WOD
Concept2 Workout of the Day - great suggestions to vary your erg routine
eHow Fitness Training Videos - simulate rowing with an exercise band

No weights for the WOD or access to an erg?
My favorite exercise DVDs are by Ellen Barrett. She teaches "All Star Workouts" on FIT TV, has several DVDs through CRUNCH Gym, and just released new workouts that focus on cardio and toning. Most of the DVDs require no extra equiptment. You can usually find them online, at bookstores (such as Barnes & Noble), or stores such as Walmart or Target.


  1. Hi everyone,

    This morning I kept busy by running around Magic Kingdom with my little brother and a few of his friends (talk about exhausting). I just finished doing an hour of cardio on the elliptical cause I still haven't gotten the okay from my doctor to run yet. I hope everyone is enjoying their break!!

    Ali Paton

  2. I ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill - Coach Rachael
