Advice for New Coxswains from Becca Stahl ("Chatter Cox"), former SU coxswain:
- Just do your best. Some days are going to horrible and you're gonna wanna quit, other days you'll learn why you love being on the water...
- Listen to your rowers, because when it comes down to it, it's you and them. As I tell everyone, my boat of boys taught me everything about coxing my first semester.
- If you think you're going to hit something, STOP.
- Always look at where you are in relationship to shore and the other boats... this may include peeking behind you.
- Try and learn the vocab as quick as possible so it just comes out naturally.
- Steering the boat everyday will change due to who feels like pulling hard and vice versa.
- If your coxbox breaks, heavens sake, just YELL, don't be afraid of being direct, firm but don't shriek/scream/sound panicked...
- Find your coxswain voice and learn how to use the intensity in it to get done what you want done...
- Last but least, leave your problems on shore and LOVE being in total control.

What Becca wishes she knew then:
- Some days you'll hate it and other days you'll love it, but it's truly the best feeling in the world when you can get a boat moving perfectly and you have a great practice/race. The point is to leave each practice behind knowing that you put your best out there and that there is always tomorrow.
Best Becca quote:
- I need to be on the water like I need to breathe.

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